Tell me where to read the quotes

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91, Männlich


Beiträge: 15

Tell me where to read the quotes

von memes am 10.07.2023 14:33

I have this problem: I'm always looking for interesting quotes for my projects, but there's no way I can find a decent source. I tried the usual search engines, but the results were too general and uninteresting. Maybe some of you have good ideas where I can find quotes that inspire and make me think?



91, Männlich

Beiträge: 13

Re: Tell me where to read the quotes

von deeps am 10.07.2023 15:20

Indeed, finding interesting quotes can be a daunting task. I too have faced such a problem before. But recently, I came across a great site where you can find a lot of amazing quotes. They are categorized by categories, which is very convenient. There are quotes about love, life, success and many more. The name of this place is The site is arranged very conveniently and all the quotes are categorized as I said before.


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